Study reveals one in five drivers take selfies behind the wheel

One in five drivers admitted to taking a selfie in the car, with motorists between the ages of 25 and 35 most likely to mug for the camera while on the road

One in five drivers take selfies behind the wheel

Representational pic

It is a known fact that drivers shouldn't text while behind the wheel, but a new study suggests people are doing a whole lot more than sending messages. Although the study was conducted by the Institute of Advanced Motorists (IAM) in Britain, the trend of distracted driving stretches around the world. IAM asked 500 drivers of all ages about how they use their cellphones while driving – the results of which are quite disturbing. 

The survey revealed that one in five drivers admitted to taking a selfie in the car, with motorists between the ages of 25 and 35 most likely to mug for the camera while on the road. Women took car selfies at a much lower rate than men. One in eight men had taken selfies in the car while only one in twenty women had.

While selfies are annoying and distracting, many motorists admitted to much more dangerous activities. One in twelve motorists said they had used Skype to video call while driving. 

Another new research conducted by AT&T and Braun Research suggests 70 per cent of drivers engage in some sort of smartphone activity. While texting and emailing are the two biggest offenders, four in 10 people are checking social media sites. Twenty-seven per cent of those users cite Facebook as their main distractor, followed by Twitter at 14 per cent. Another 28 per cent of drivers said they surf the web while the car is in motion.

This survey is also a part of AT&T's ‘It Can Wait’ campaign, which emphasises on bringing awareness to distracted driving.