Four simple things that can help you heal post a car accident

Several reports suggest that the first 72 hours post a car accident are crucial and can affect the course of your recovery. Even a minor car accident can put you at risk for chronic health problems. We list down four simple things that can help you heal post a car accident:

1. Rest

Rest as much as you can

Go home and rest as much as you can. You would definitely not go to work straight after a surgery. A car accident can just be as traumatic. Most doctors suggest that going to work right after an accident can increase your recovery time. 

2. See a Doctor

Doctors are trained to diagnose and treat human body. A sudden shock can cause you to gasp or even tighten the diaphragm, suggests some reports. Most people do not feel the pain immediately after an accident. It sometimes takes several days for the pain to appear. If you feel any level of pain and discomfort, visit a doctor. It may even be a good idea to get yourself checked even if you feel fine. Your doctor will be in the best position to determine whether you sustained any serious injuries in the accident. Your doctor can also give you advice on monitoring symptoms of potential injuries.

3.Keep yourself occupied

The sight of the accident can keep playing in your mind. It is best not to stress yourself with those thoughts. Instead, keep yourself occupied with things that you like doing. By this we do not mean you indulge into strenuous activities such as sports or work out. Instead, pick up a nice book penned by your favourite author and read on.

4. Brisk Walk

By suggesting you to exercise we do not mean you lift weights. If you overtax an injured muscle you will actually cause more damage to it rather than helping it to recover. Most doctors suggest that few minutes of brisk walking on a flat path can actually help you heal faster.

You should seek immediate medical help in case you observe any of these symptoms post a car accident:

1. Extreme weakness

2. Blood or fluid in your ears or nose

3. Problems with vision, hearing, or swallowing

4. Extreme drowsiness or headache

5. Inability to control bladder or bowel functions