Fast and Furious franchise to end after three more movies

Vin Diesel has announced that the Fast and Furious franchise will come to a halt after one last triology

Fast and Furious franchise to end after three more movies

We have some news for the fans of the movie Fast and Furious. Vin Diesel has announced on his post on a social media site that the street racing action film will come to an end after one last triology.

Donna Langley, Chairman, Universal Studios, is of the opinion that the action flick still has a potential to milk in profit, but they have to be careful in order to avoid fatigue. She stated that three more movies could come out now and Vin Diesel has confirmed that the street racing film could come to an end after three more movies.

The last triology will begin with the release of the Fast and Furious 8 which is scheduled for a release on April 14, 2017. Diesel also stated that an announcement regarding the names of the directors for the three remaining movies will be made very soon.

The eight edition of the action flick will also feature Dwayne Johnson popularly known as ‘The Rock’ and Kurt Russell in a new role as well. The tenth movie will mark the end of the Fast and furious franchise.