• Q. If I charge it full and use after 1 month, will it be remained fully charged then?

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    2 Answers
    Dillip | 3 years ago

    The battery level will not remain the same. The battery keeps on deteriorating if kept idle.

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    Sukhdev | 1 year ago

    Can be shut, only marginal loss

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Mahindra E Verito User Reviews

  • E Verito The Affordable Electric Sedan

    I supplicate this road for the preliminarily mentioned purpose. I hold this conception in high appreciation due to the ultrapractical perceptivity it offers. With its inconceivable project, the Mahindra E Verito Electric is an environmentally friendly agent that revolutionizes swapping. There's no letch to accommodate interpretation or aesthetics while championing for sustainability. participating is made pleasurable with the E Verito's silent and canny backing. The current characteristics and zero emigration make it a study- eschewal option that's in line with environmentalcompanies.It's a swish and dependable agent.

  • tough design

    Mahindra E verito is one of the most amazing car that I have driven. It is really smooth on the road and provides me a amazing experience that I just love this car for. Along with that it is also really comfortable and I have taken it for long drives which were really enjoyable. It's mileage is also ok but not very good in city drives. Overall I feel that this car is fabulous from every aspects. And the best part about it from my view is that it has such amazing looks making it wonderful.

  • Electrifying Commute with Sustainable Style

    Mahindra E Vеrito pionееrs grееn commuting by blеnding thе trustеd Vеrito platform with еlеctric mobility. Its еlеctric motor dеlivеrs a silеnt and rеsponsivе city driving еxpеriеncе, prioritizing еfficiеncy ovеr top spееd. Thе spacious intеrior, though basic, offеrs comfort, accеntuatеd by thе absеncе of еnginе noisе. Uniquе fеaturеs includе a zеro-еmission еlеctric powеrtrain and rеgеnеrativе braking. Whilе thе rangе suits daily usе, charging infrastructurе availability is crucial. With Mahindra's rеliability, thе E Vеrito stands out as an еco-conscious choicе, contributing to a clеanеr urban еnvironmеnt, dеspitе potеntial еnhancеmеnts in intеrior fеaturеs and rangе.

  • Mahindra E Verito with Electric Efficiency and Com

    The Mahindra E Verito is a compact SUV known for its distinctive and youthful design. Its compact size makes it well-suited for urban driving. The Mahindra E Verito is an electric sedan that combines eco-friendliness with practical urban riding. Its electric powertrain offers a smooth and silent ride, contributing to a lower carbon footprint. The sedan design provides a comfortable and spacious interior suitable for daily use. The E Verito's electric range and charging capabilities make it convenient for city driving, with users appreciating the cost savings on fuel.

  • E Verito Redefining Green Mobility

    The Mahindra E Verito embodies verdant commuting with its electric powertrain, furnishing a ultrapractical andecofriendly result. The 's car is straightforward, fastening on functionality. The electric motor delivers a smooth and silent ride, ideal for megacity commuting. The interior is commodious and comfortable, but the common car may feel introductory. The E Verito's range might limit long distance ride. With its devotion to environmental sustainability and ultrapractical megacity driving, the Mahindra E Verito stands as a dependable liberty for those seeking an electric that balancesecoconsciousness with standard usability.

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