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Hero Super Splendor XTEC
Hero Super Splendor XTEC
Rs. 89,078
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Hero Super Splendor XTEC User Reviews

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  • 3.0
    मेरी बाइक चलने में

    मेरी बाइक चलने में तो बहुत बढ़िया है लेकिन माइलेज 55km पर लीटर मिल रहा है। और अभी डिजिटल मीटर में ब्लूटूथ, बेटरी, मेसेज ओर मिस कॉल के साइन नहीं दिख रहे हैं मोबाइल कनेक्ट करने के बाद। जब कोई कॉल आता है तो वो दिख रहा है लेकिन बाकी साइन नहीं दिख रहे हैं। सर्विस सेंटर पर भी दिखा लिया लेकिन उन्हें भी कुछ समझ मे नही आ रहा है। इस समस्या का कोई हल है क्या?

  • I own this bike

    I own this bike, bought it on 13th March, and have driven nearly 4k kilometers in two months. I ride around 70-80 kilometers daily without any issues or back pain; the bike is very comfortable. The mileage is as follows: Single person: 63 to 66 km per liter Two persons: 55 to 60 km per liter The switch quality is average; I had to change it in 1.5 months, but even after replacing it, the engine's refinement is not satisfactory. You feel its refinement only after 12,500 kilometers. Until 2,500 kilometers, the bike's gears were jerking or not changing easily; I had to push a little bit to shift to 2nd gear. However, after 2,500 kilometers, the issue was resolved, and now it's working really well . The light is above average, but during highway rides, it feels a little bit hard when some big vehicles come towards you. The sales services may vary depending on the area, but in my area, the support has been very good. The first service cost me 425 rupees (350 for oil, 75 for the oil filter) at 500 kilometers, and the second service also cost 425 rupees at 3,000 kilometers.

  • Super Splendor XTEC: Commuter's Powerhouse

    There was the Hero Super Splendor XTEC,the powerhouse for commuter people which offered a very strong design and perfect performance under the banner of that category. The heavy built, comfortable ergonomics and the fuel-efficient engine of this Super Splendor XTEC makes it symbolize Hero’s approach in steady urban comfort. XSens technology guarantees precise fueling for peak efficiency and performance, a trusted choice for everyday trips. Hero, the Super Splendor XTEC is a commuter motorcycle designed thoughtfully and equipped with features like a roomy seat and tubeless tires to help in navigating through city traffic easily as well powerful rides. Riding the Super Splendor XTEC isn’t just about getting somewhere; it is an affirmation of its city dwelling commuter in a frenzied metropolitan setting.

  • Enhanced Performance

    Hеro Supеr Splеndor XTEC is a rеal upgradе for ridеrs on thе lookout for grеatеr ovеrall pеrformancе. Its subtlе 125cc еnginе promisеs a punchy yеt fuеl-grееn ridе, pеrfеct for еach town commutеs and coffее longеr journеys. Thе motorcyclе's progrеssеd functions, which consist of thе supеrior XTEC еra, incrеasе thе thе usе of еnjoy, еnsuring smoothеr accеlеration and bеttеr gasolinе еconomy. Thе format rеmains convеntional and dеpеndablе, еvеn though a hint of prеsеnt day aеsthеtics havе to add еnchantmеnt. Ovеrall, thе Hеro Supеr Splеndor XTEC imprеssеs with its upgradеd normal pеrformancе, making it a commеndablе dеsirе for thе onеs sеarching for a rеliablе but pеppy ridе

  • Hero Super Splendor XTEC Reliable Performance for

    The Hero Super Splendor XTEC is the ideal combination of fashion and functionality for me. At ₹ 87,290, this 125cc motorbike is an accessible option for blood jaunts and diurnal commuting. A affable and enjoyable lift is assured by the commodious seating arrangement and plenitude of head and legroom. With a ultimate avail of 60 km/ l, it's affordable and energy-effective. Every lift is a statement thanks to the enthusiasm and coincidental Expression, which gives my lifts a little flare-up. The well- allowed - out cabin, which prioritizes comfort and mileage, makes this the full blood bike. Not only is the Hero Super Splendor XTEC a reliable and fashionable motorbike, but it also seamlessly blends Expression and mileage, making every lift pleasurable.

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