• Q. I have back pain problem. Which one you suggest among Himalyan and CB 350 for long rides? One thing attracts me is tubeless tyres in CB 350, with which you are tension free incase of puncture.

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    12 Answers
    Dillip | 4 years ago

    As per your requirements, Royal Enfield is the clear pick. If the Himalayan is on your shopping list, it’s quite likely that it’s going to be your only motorcycle. And as an only motorcycle, it’s as close to perfect as you can get in this price range -- or even a few rungs higher, for that matter. This really is the Swiss Army Knife of motorcycles -- a capable, versatile, one-size-fits-all motorcycle. Need something to ferry you to the office and back? No problem. Want to cruise the highways on weekends? It’ll do it all day and all night long. Finally had your leave approved and want to ride to Ladakh? This is just the bike for the job. It’ll even keep you entertained on the twisty bits of tarmac you’ll find on the way. Short of hooning about on track, this is the one motorcycle that’ll do pretty much any and everything you ask of it, without protest or complaint. The Himalayan BS6 is a slightly more well-rounded and desirable motorcycle than before. Do take a test ride in order to get better clarity. Check out authorised dealership details.

    20 Reply
    Sam | 4 years ago

    @ Cj | The man said he has a back pain problem. do you really think the vibrations running through his legs to his back on an RE would give him comfort. Honda CB 350 would be a better choice

    Hey hello r you suggesting him to go for royal Enfield 350.. wait wait don't listen to him. don't go for 350. it will be you r big mistake in you r life. don't go for it.. buy a highness 350. it is nice bike to ride. no vibrations, no issue, reliable engine. no tappet noise.. I have sold my classic 350 in six months only because of tappet and vibration

    33 Reply
    Venkata | 4 years ago

    My age 49 no back pain issues 2years back I purchased re 350 and sold it to others after usage of 6months, it is bad choice . In single long ride I found - lot of vibrations throughout the body, after 60kmph the problem further increases

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