• Q. I am frequently hearing that there is heating issue in Jawa. Kindly let me know. - 42 - 42 - 42?

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    Bharat | 4 years ago

    @ ShivaprakashVK | Which one is better? jawa or Royal enfueld

    Go for enfield. I bought Jawa 15 days back and within a week of my purchase and I am very disappointed. Within a week's time rear brakes started making noise.Engine heats a lotBike which was delivered to me had scratches on the tank.Irritating noise comes from front side while driving on speed breaker or p*t holes.I visited store for rectifying these issues. They kept my bike two days with them and still I am facing same issues.I still doubt that they have sold their test ride vehicle to me as since day of my purchase I have not seen their test ride bike and whenever asked they have different reasons..Very disappointed with jawa. Strongly recommend to go with enfield.

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    Harsha | 2 years ago

    My suggestion is if you are truly interested in buying this vehicle, buy a bullock cart instead why i am saying like this means, no one will be ready to help you out after you bought this vehicle especially not jawa people , they are only and only focused on selling products with JAWA brand tag which gives you headaches, overthinking that why you bought this vehicle and all other non sense.my experience with this bike is 1.5 years literally no one will listen to problems you are facing, and no action or callback it takes weeks/ months to comeback and say we are working on it sir or something else on issues we say, believe me you don't want this bike or the headaches that the customer support people will give you.

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    RAJESH | 2 years ago

    Recently 4 days back I also faced same issues with my 42 .Suddenly Bike did not start also some indication coming on meter console . I contacted service center, they said bring the bike to service center but I am unable to start my bike. I think it is happening due to over heating issue, If I will start my bike during overheating issue time then it will be make engine seized that s why I am fearing. Even This bike has liquid cool system why over heating issue coming .Jawa should take more necessary action towards this heating direction

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